How to Clean Brushes and Combs Like a Pro

A variety of brushes and combs submerged in a bowl of soapy water

Table of Contents

Maintaining the cleanliness of your brushes and combs is not only an essential part of personal hygiene, but it also helps to prolong the lifespan of these tools and keep your hair healthy. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to clean your brushes and combs like a professional.

Why Cleaning Brushes and Combs is Important

It’s easy to overlook the importance of cleaning your brushes and combs. After all, they’re just tools for grooming your hair, right? Wrong. There are several reasons why cleaning these tools should be a part of your regular routine.

Firstly, brushes and combs collect dead skin cells, natural oils, and product residue over time. This build-up not only makes your tools less effective, but it can also be transferred back to your hair, making it look dull and greasy.

Secondly, dirty brushes and combs can become a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast. These microorganisms can cause scalp infections, dandruff, and other hair and scalp problems.

Lastly, cleaning your brushes and combs regularly can help prolong their lifespan. The build-up of hair and product residue can cause bristles to break and combs to become warped over time.

Materials Needed for Cleaning

Before you start cleaning your brushes and combs, you’ll need to gather a few materials. Most of these items can be found around your house, making the cleaning process easy and cost-effective.

  • Warm water

  • Mild soap or shampoo

  • A toothbrush or small scrubbing brush

  • A hairpin or tweezers

  • A towel

Now that you have all the necessary materials, let’s dive into the cleaning process.

How to Clean Your Brushes and Combs

Cleaning your brushes and combs is a straightforward process that can be done in a few simple steps. Here’s how:

  1. Remove all the hair from your brush or comb. You can do this by using a hairpin or tweezers to lift the hair from the base of the bristles or teeth.

  2. Once you’ve removed as much hair as possible, rinse your brush or comb under warm water. This will help to loosen any product residue or oils.

  3. Apply a small amount of mild soap or shampoo to your toothbrush or scrubbing brush. Then, gently scrub the bristles or teeth of your brush or comb. Be sure to clean the base as well, as this is where most of the build-up occurs.

  4. Rinse your brush or comb under warm water again until all the soap or shampoo is removed.

  5. Pat your brush or comb dry with a towel. Then, leave it to air dry completely before using it again. This will help to prevent any bacteria or mold from growing.

And there you have it! Your brushes and combs are now clean and ready to use.

Maintaining the Cleanliness of Your Brushes and Combs

Now that you know how to clean your brushes and combs, it’s important to maintain their cleanliness. Here are a few tips to help you keep your tools clean and effective:

  • Try to remove hair from your brush or comb after each use. This will prevent hair and product build-up and make the cleaning process easier.

  • Clean your brushes and combs at least once a week. If you use a lot of hair products, you may need to clean them more frequently.

  • Store your brushes and combs in a clean, dry place. This will help to prevent bacteria and mold growth.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your brushes and combs stay clean and effective for longer.


Cleaning your brushes and combs is an essential part of personal hygiene and hair care. Not only does it help to keep your hair looking its best, but it also prolongs the lifespan of your tools and helps to prevent scalp problems. So, don’t overlook this important task. With this guide, you can clean your brushes and combs like a pro and maintain their cleanliness with ease.

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