How to Clean Hair Brushes With Baking Soda Like a Pro

A hair brush submerged in a bowl of water mixed with baking soda

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Cleaning hair brushes is an often overlooked aspect of personal hygiene. However, it is essential to maintain the health of your hair and scalp. This article will guide you on how to clean hair brushes with baking soda like a pro. Baking soda, a common household item, is a natural cleanser and deodorizer that can effectively clean your hair brushes and combs.

Why Cleaning Hair Brushes is Important

Many people are unaware of the importance of cleaning hair brushes regularly. Hair brushes collect a variety of particles that can be harmful to your hair and scalp.

Firstly, hair brushes collect loose hair, dust, and product residue. Over time, these can build up and create a breeding ground for bacteria. Using a dirty hair brush can reintroduce these unwanted particles into your hair, leading to a variety of hair and scalp issues.

Secondly, using a dirty hair brush can lead to dull and lifeless hair. The residue on the brush can weigh down your hair and reduce its natural shine. It can also prevent your hair products from working effectively.

Lastly, a dirty hair brush can irritate your scalp. The bacteria on the brush can cause scalp infections and other issues such as dandruff and hair loss.

The Benefits of Using Baking Soda

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a natural cleanser and deodorizer. It is a versatile product that can be used for a variety of cleaning tasks, including cleaning hair brushes.

One of the main benefits of using baking soda is that it is non-toxic and safe to use. Unlike commercial cleaning products, baking soda does not contain harsh chemicals that can damage your hair brushes or harm your health.

Baking soda is also effective at removing dirt, oil, and product residue. It has a mild abrasive quality that can help to dislodge particles from the bristles of your brush. Additionally, baking soda can neutralize odors, leaving your brushes smelling fresh.

Lastly, baking soda is an affordable and readily available product. You can find it in the baking aisle of most supermarkets, making it a convenient option for cleaning your hair brushes.

How to Clean Hair Brushes With Baking Soda

Now that we understand the importance of cleaning hair brushes and the benefits of using baking soda, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of how to clean hair brushes with baking soda.

  1. Remove Hair: Start by removing all the loose hair from the brush. You can do this by using a comb or your fingers.
  2. Prepare Solution: Next, prepare a cleaning solution. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one cup of warm water. Stir until the baking soda is completely dissolved.
  3. Soak Brush: Place your hair brush in the solution and let it soak for about 20-30 minutes. This will help to loosen any stubborn dirt and residue.
  4. Scrub Brush: After soaking, scrub the brush with an old toothbrush or a brush cleaning tool. Be sure to scrub all areas of the brush, including the base and the bristles.
  5. Rinse Brush: Rinse the brush under warm running water. Continue rinsing until all the baking soda solution and any remaining dirt is removed.
  6. Dry Brush: Finally, dry the brush by patting it with a towel. Then, let it air dry completely before using it again.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your hair brushes with baking soda. Remember to clean your brushes regularly to maintain the health of your hair and scalp.

Tips for Maintaining Clean Hair Brushes

Aside from cleaning your hair brushes with baking soda, there are other steps you can take to maintain the cleanliness of your brushes.

  • Regular Cleaning: Aim to clean your hair brushes at least once a week. If you use a lot of hair products, you may need to clean your brushes more frequently.
  • Proper Storage: Store your hair brushes in a clean and dry place. Avoid storing them in damp areas such as the bathroom, as this can encourage the growth of bacteria.
  • Replacement: Over time, hair brushes can become worn and less effective. Consider replacing your hair brushes every 6-12 months.

By implementing these tips, you can further enhance the health of your hair and scalp.


Cleaning hair brushes is an important aspect of personal hygiene that should not be overlooked. By using baking soda, you can effectively clean your hair brushes in a safe and natural way. Not only will this help to maintain the health of your hair and scalp, but it will also extend the lifespan of your brushes. So, why not give it a try? Start cleaning your hair brushes with baking soda today!

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